Welcome to the swing of the holiday season! Staff and students are all busy making preparations for tomorrow’s feast. Following last years’ hybrid-model Thanksgiving, this year many are happy to have a more normal get together.
When you walk the halls of Toms River High School South today, you should take in the sights and sounds, take in the teachers and friends that surround you, and be grateful for this chance you have been given. In other places in this world and country people are not as fortunate to be a part of such a unique school, such a unique community.
When you sit down with whoever you are celebrating the holiday with, take in the room, take in the faces around you and be grateful for the companions you have been given. In other places in this world and country people are not as fortunate to have friends and family like yours. They are annoying sometimes, but when everything is on the line, they are right behind you.
When that contentious debate takes place at the dinner table, do not pile on, choose to reconcile your relatives’ differences. Be the peacemaker, don’t let it make you want to check out for the day.
When the dinner is over, compliment the cook(s), not everyone in this world or country has the chance to have a homemade meal or even a warm meal served to them tomorrow.
This Thanksgiving is missing 775,000 loved ones, we have to acknowledge that, it is sad, it is tough to think about. Be thankful for what they were to you, and be thankful for what you have left and what it means to you now. This is because many of us have found new meaning, new appreciation for their families and with their lives since the Pandemic began.
Have a tremendous Thanksgiving,
The Cedar Berry Staff