Q- Based on what you have seen with the girls so far, how do you think this season is going to go?
A-It’s going to go outstanding, great core group of kids,a lot of hard work in their cross country and winter track season, so we’re expecting big things this spring.
Q- Describe your perfect track season.
A- I’m having it right now, everybody’s showing up, putting in the work. Everybody’s on the same level as far as their attitude, attendance, and determination so we’re having a perfect season right now.
Q- How do you feel about Lily Oliver breaking the mile record?
A- I’ve been here for quite a while now and we’ve had a lot of fast kids, but to see somebody break 5 (minutes) on an indoor track was something pretty special that hasn’t happened here yet and she still has a year to go too so I’m expecting that her time is going to continue to drop.
Q- Do you have any predictions for this season?
A- If everybody continues to work hard and show up we will be sticking our nose in the county championships, and county relays. We will have lots of girls score in the sectionals, possibly even a sectional champ here and there that’s really where it’s at and what we’re hoping for.
Q- Are placing in the Penn Relays on your radar for this season?
A- Everytime we step on the track we want to place so we are definitely looking to have some fun at the Penns’ this year.
Q- How many years have you been coaching?
A- I’ve been coaching sports in the shore conference since 1997, and I’ve been here in the track progam at South since 2008.
Q- How does it feel to have been coaching for this long and being so involved in helping kids achieve their goals?
A- It feels like I’m getting old! But I’m really having a blast, the kids really make it worthwhile by showing up everyday and watching everybody grow and succeed and really making Toms River South proud with all of the student athletes that we have here.
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