It's five in the morning and you're woken up to the sound of footsteps entering your room. “School’s closed!” You look outside to see the streets covered in snow. You can go back to sleep, but now you have a whole free day ahead of you. This raises the question, what do South’s students do on these frosty days off?
After asking a handful of students how they spent their free time it became obvious that there were two very different approaches to the day. Cozying up inside, or layering up to brave the snow-covered outdoors. Those who preferred to stay warm came up with a handful of activities that they normally wouldn't have had time for. Watching movies with family, baking, and reading were all different methods of passing time without worrying about the piling snow outside. However, not everyone wanted to stay away from the cold. Building snowmen, and sledding down hills are all part of the fun on a snowy day off for South. One student even mentioned throwing snowballs at their friends while they shoveled made the day worthwhile.
Whether our clothes are frozen and soggy, or fluffy and warm, South knows how to enjoy a day in the snow!