The cast of Tarzan swung into action to perform this year. After watching the Friday performance, Tarzan played by Aidan Panno told me about his favorite part of the show this year, “My favorite part had to be finally being back in front of a live audience.”
The last show that was performed live was Damn Yankees in Winter 2020, so seeing the show live was a joy to watch to warm us from the frost. However, Tarzan didn’t start out with some of its iconic moments such as Tarzan swinging on the vine. “I’d be lying if I didn’t bring up swinging on the rope like Tarzan. It’s the first thing I thought of when I got the part and I’m glad I had multiple opportunities to do it.” Aidan truly had a unique experience in theater while getting into the Tarzan character.
Not only did Aidan have a great time during the show, but Morgan Mussari also had a wonderful time playing Jane. Morgan’s favorite part of the show was the music, “My favorite song is definitely For the First Time which is a beautiful Jane and Tarzan duet.” In this song, both Jane and Tarzan perfectly harmonize to express their mutual feelings, despite them not knowing how the other feels. It’s a beautiful duet and that truly is a turning point in the show. The friendship doesn’t stop on stage; however, Morgan was close with everyone in the class, particularly Emma Jubert and Aidan because she “worked so well with both of them.”
The audience was truly transported to the jungle because of the amazing work the cast and crew did to make the show come to life. We won’t forget the experience for a long time.